Build your personal brand and become memorable with a consistent message.

Build your personal brand and become memorable with a consistent message.

Keeping your message focused on your target demographic will make creating content around your personal brand easier and allow viewers and readers to define what you do. Your message should be a glue within a holistic brand strategy across all the platforms. It will also include an impression that you make during the personal contact.

To achieve the consistency of your Personal Branding message, you need to consider three aspects: timing, brand message clarity, and branding approach.

Timing of Your Personal Brand Content.

Do you remember how you were glued to your favourite TV show? It has changed with the invention of Netflix, yet you love to set up the time for your “watch time”. The key reason for this behaviour is comfort and habit. Predictability is attractive as your brain doesn’t need to spend energy wondering about timing and planning. And as the brain consumes 20% of your body’s energy, your body feels safe with predictable planned situations. When you use this science and deliver your content at a specific time, you build trust with your audience. You become a reliable source of information and good content for your tribe. That’s why timing is one of the foundational elements of the relationships between the audience and the brand.

Consistency of Your Brand Message

In the modern world, we are habitual in spreading information across many platforms and media. For example, suppose you have a business or a career. In that case, you are most likely exposed to social media, dealing with people online and offline, having your site or blog, maybe you’ve written a book or even speaking publicly. 

You need to define your brand message. Then, get back to what you want to be known for, check the keywords, see what you can deliver to your audience, what is your expertise, and a cheesy part, “your secret sauce”.  

To brand your message, you must also set the tone of voice. It will add the recognisable emotional component to your copy. As a passionate person, you can’t add all your emotions to your posts. Instead, you can deliver more recognisable and memorable content with a clarified message style.

Building Branding Consistency and recognition.

Apart from the style, the visual component is essential. You may choose a recognisable image style, branded colours, logo or in case of personal branding your selfy, to make your posts more consistent.

When you build your personal brand, I often say your face is your logo on social media. But I would recommend you include many other types of images too. When your story is illustrated with relevant photos, it builds an environment around your message. This inviting visual idea makes people feel connected to your brand and life. They will think that you know you because they saw you in your day-to-day activity, followed your trip or had a similar breakfast with you. 

To build a holistic idea around your brand, you should use all available instruments: timing, message, and visuals. It will make your posts memorable and recognisable and give your audience a reason to return. And as you need to get in touch with your prospect at least 15 times to sell them something, well, you need to have more returning readers and viewers.

If you want to work on your values, and your message, discover yourself and write posts that connect to your audience, you may like to join my program “Find Your Brilliance“. Let’s chat on LinkedIn and see if this program is the best fit for you :)

15 Powerful steps to start your personal brand mastery

1. Define why you need a personal brand!

2. To build your Personal Brand, you need to know your values!

3. When you build your personal brand, decide what you want to be known for?

4. Find your story. Build your personal brand with storytelling.

5. To build your personal brand, you need to define your purpose.

6. To build your personal brand you need to know your WHY!

7. To build your personal brand, you need a vision!

8. Build your personal brand and become memorable with a consistent message.

9. To build an authentic personal brand, you must be honest.

10. Be creative while building your personal brand!

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