To build your personal brand, you need a vision!
When I help my clients set a five-year vision, their lives change. When you know the direction you move, you become unstoppable. Even when circumstances are throwing you out off the road, you can continue to move forward as you have set the lighthouses on your path to success.
A personal brand is always a leader.
It set’s up to standards and shows the direction. Therefore the vision becomes a crucial component of personal branding.
When you have clarity on where you are going, when you know what result you want to achieve, and when you are eager to take action, people see that you can lead.
How can you set up your brand vision?
The previous steps will define your vision: WHY, purpose, what you want to be known for, your story, etc.
You know now: “What you want to be known for, you know what you stand for. So, in this step, you need to define “Where do you want to be in the future?”
For many people, creating a brand vision means setting up strict goals and very clear directions, perhaps a few resolutions. Yet your brand vision is much broader than that.
Set a vision for your personal brand.
Let’s start with your environment in five years.
- What do you do?
- Are you in business, or do you have a job?
Describe what you WANT to have in your life, not what you CAN have now. Your vision is not about you now; it’s about a developed version of you.
- Where do you live?
- Do you rent, have an apartment or a house (do you pay the mortgage for it or not)?
Describe the place of your dreams and imagine that you are living in it.
- Who are you?
- As you have a place and an occupation described above, who are you in five years?
- What do you wear?
- What are your lifestyle, relationships, hobbies, style, status, health, and spirituality?
Now the most important aspect, how do you feel having this environment and being in this role?
This idea will allow you to set up the lighthouse, leading to a new, more developed version of you.
In my program “Find Your Brilliance”, we work on personal brand vision in detail. Also, we have many more exciting exercises to set up specific steps that will lead to achieving this vision. If you like to know more about the program, the details are here. If you like to chat with me, let’s connect on LinkedIn.
15 Powerful steps to start your personal brand mastery
1. Define why you need a personal brand!
2. To build your Personal Brand, you need to know your values!
3. When you build your personal brand, decide what you want to be known for?
4. Find your story. Build your personal brand with storytelling.
5. To build your personal brand, you need to define your purpose.
6. To build your personal brand you need to know your WHY!
7. To build your personal brand, you need a vision!
8. Build your personal brand and become memorable with a consistent message.
9. To build an authentic personal brand, you must be honest.